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Important Message from AAWAA Staff

Popadum! Events Postponed Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

Dear AAWAA Community,

As many of you are probably already aware, the San Francisco Health Department and San Francisco Arts Commission last week has recommended that all non-essential large events (considered as groupings of 50 or more people) be cancelled for the next couple of weeks. Since then, AAWAA's staff and board have been in earnest discussion about the implications of this request and other advice coming from local, state, and federal authorities on how best to protect those who could have the worst outcomes from the virus. Many businesses, places of entertainment, worship, and educational institutions have taken the decision to halt non-essential activities, to limit the risk of close contact with someone with the virus. Our community's health is very important to us, and so we are postponing any major events, such as the opening and programs of the Popadum! Exhibition, until further notice. Every member of our community deserves to be safe and although these are hard decisions, our hope is that cautious actions are the right thing to do.

However, we are proceeding with our Slide Slam on March 21 as planned since the date falls right after the two week mark, and we do not project the gathering to attract over 50 people. All of that said, we would still like to emphasize to take care of yourselves and stay home if you are feeling sick or do not feel comfortable attending the event. We will make sure to have hand sanitizer at the venue and there will be a restroom available for anyone to wash their hands. In terms of food and refreshments, we are planning on providing prepackaged options to further prevent the spread of germs. We are currently looking into doing an online live stream of the event for those who cannot or would prefer not to attend in person.

Thank you for your patience and support during these challenging circumstances. We look forward to seeing you all soon!


Michelle A. Lee
AAWAA Board President